100 Hour Yoga TTC in Rishikesh - Course Fee

Course Days Starting Date Private Room Shared Room Triple Sharing Booking
14 Days 1st Of Every Month 631 536 USD 516 441 USD 475 403 USD Book
14 Days 7th of Every Month 631 536 USD 516 441 USD 475 403 USD Book
14 Days 15th of Every Month 631 536 USD 516 441 USD 475 403 USD Book
Overview: Beginner Level Yoga Teacher Training Course.

100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh India

Explore the Magic of the Rishikesh Join our 14 Days affordable 100 hour yoga teacher training Course in Rishikesh with Emotional Blockage Healing as You Set Out on a Transformative Journey

With the increase in the need for a healthy mind, body, and soul, Yoga is not limited to health and wellness. The practice of Yoga is an excellent career option for yoga enthusiasts. 100 hour yoga ttc in rishikesh is an 14 days Yoga TTC program that focuses on Hatha Yoga, Vinyasa Flow, Kundalini, Ashtanga Primary series and Emotional Blockage Healing.

The 100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course is a beginner level yoga teacher training course that lays a strong foundation of yoga knowledge. This yoga teacher training course is the first step to a brilliant yoga career. It includes meditation, yoga asanas, pranayama, yoga philosophy and anatomy and class conducting techniques. After this, if you want, you can also start an intermediate to advanced level 200 hour yoga teacher training course which will help you understand yoga better.

Let’s now discuss Maha Yoga, the road to true knowledge. At Shree Maha Yoga, we think the only way to achieve ultimate perfection in yoga is to go deeply into the practice. Beyond training yoga teachers, our goal is to develop Yog Gurus. You’ll set off on an educational voyage into the world of yoga’s most illuminating chapters under the direction of our esteemed Yog Gurus.

100 Hour Yoga TTC program by Shree Maha Yoga :

Aims & Objective :- 100 Hour Yoga TTC in Rishikesh

  • Strengthen the roots of Yoga in yoga aspirants.
  • Connect the students with Spirituality.
  • Practicing Yoga Postures, Pranayama, Mudras, Dhyana, and Kriyas.
  • Building Class conducting skills.
  • Knowledge of the advantages of yoga on health & wellness.
Best 100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh with Emotional Blockage Healing

Why Choose Shree Maha Yoga for 100 Hour Yoga TTC in Rishikesh India

Shree Maha Yoga are determined to provide the best 100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course in Rishikesh India with Emotional Blockage Healing, an amalgam of Yoga and Spirituality. To better understand yoga to beginner-level yoga students, we divided our Yoga course into practical and theoretical sessions.

Considering Spiritual essence as an undetectable part of yogic knowledge, our yoga school team adds spiritual values to the curriculum of the course. These in turn strengthen the self-confidence and understanding of Yoga And overcome the initial difficulties in understanding the concepts of yogic science. Neat & Clean accommodations with a satvic & vegan diet are the striking features of our Yoga School. By considering the importance of time in the busy modern life.

Shree Maha Yoga offers an affordable and Best 100 hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh accredited by Shree Maha Yoga, covering Hatha yoga, mantra chanting, Shatkriya, Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga, anatomy, yoga philosophy, Kundalini yoga, and Emotional Blockage Healing. The 14-days course includes accommodation, vegan meals, weekend activities, and free airport shuttle to Shree Maha Yoga.

Embark on a transformative journey - enroll in our yoga teacher training and ignite your inner inspiration - Book Now...

Yoga Styles Which You Have Learn In This Course

Hatha Yoga
Vinyasa Yoga
Nidra Yoga
Ashtanga Yoga
Karma Yoga
Alignment Yoga
Yin Yoga
Kundalini Yoga

Discovering Peace In Every Picture: A Look At The Essence Of Shree Maha Yoga

Experience tranquility within the serene walls of Shree Maha Yoga's indoor yoga classes. Our carefully designed studio combines traditional aesthetics with a modern touch, creating an atmosphere of calm and focus. Each session emphasizes harmony, inviting you to leave behind the outside world's distractions. Soft lighting, soothing scents, and gentle music set the stage for deepening your practice. Our experienced instructors guide you through asanas, meditation, and pranayama, fostering a sense of inner peace. Discover a sanctuary where you can reconnect with yourself and find balance, all within the comforting embrace of Shree Maha Yoga's welcoming environment.

Explore Beyond Asanas: Excursions Included In Our Rishikesh Course

Explore the beauty of Rishikesh with our outdoor yoga classes. Set against the backdrop of the Ganges River and Himalayan foothills, these sessions offer a unique blend of nature and spirituality. Practice asanas on lush riverbanks, under ancient trees, or atop scenic hills, allowing the sounds of nature to enhance your experience. Our excursions include sunrise yoga at Kunjapuri Temple and sunset sessions near Ram Jhula, providing stunning views and a peaceful atmosphere. With these outdoor classes, connect with nature and deepen your practice in one of the world's most serene yoga destinations.

Yogic Food & Accomodation With Best View

Clean and comfortable accommodation comprises of single private rooms and double shared rooms with attached washrooms. Three highly nutritious, healthy and sattvic meal per day (Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner). Our yogic diet food is perfect for nourishing the mind, body and soul. Detox and herbal teas are served twice a day.

Book Your 100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course TODAY!

Special Discount on Indian Students get 20% Instant Off.

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Course Syllabus

100 Hour Yoga Course Curriculum

Pranayama is a set of Yogic Techniques and practices generally defined as breath control and is on its own considered a science. Here is what you’ll learn on the subject :-
  • 1 - Introduction of pranayama
  • 2 - Benefits of pranayama
  • 3 - The Pranic body
  • 4 - Prana and lifestyle
  • 5 - Breath, health & pranayama
  • 6 - Pranayama and the spiritual
Bandhas are energy locks provoqued by the contraction of certain groups of muscles and are widely used in yoga practice. Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn on the subject. :-
  • 1 - Preparation for Bandha
  • 2 - Benefits of Bandha
  • 3 - Mula Bandha
  • 4 - Jalandhara Bandha
  • 5 - Uddiyana Bandha
Mantras play a big role in daily Yogic life. Mantras are sounds, and prayers that carry huge energy and vibration. We’ll teach to sing :-
  • 1 - Opening mantra
  • 2 - Om chanting
  • 3 - Gayatri Mantra
  • 4 - Guru Vandana (prayer to Guru)
  • 5 - Student and master mantra
  • 6 - Patanjali mantra (ashtanga mantra)
  • 7 - Completeness mantra
Shatkarma is the Sanskrit term for one of the six yogic purification techniques (kriyas) as outlined in the “Hatha Yoga Pradipika.” The purpose of these cleansing techniques is to keep the body strong, clean and healthy. They remove toxins and anything blocking the flow of prana in the body.
Practicing shatkarma internally purifies the body, and makes pranayama and meditation practice easier by preparing the body to perform these practices without distraction, discomfort or fatigue. This is a traditional yogic cleansing technique which is very effective and good to remove many illnesses and open the body blockages. You’ll learn :-
  • 1 - Jal Neti
  • 2 - Ruber Neti
  • 3 - Sutra Neti
  • 4 - Kunjal neti
Indian traditional yoga style is called “Hatha” (“ha” means sun “Tha” means moon) Unifying the sun and the moon within (Yin and Yang). It’s a physical method for preparing and maintaining the body, providing stamina flexibility Balance and strength. This is the most tradicional popular and beneficial yoga style. What you’ll practice :
Joints warm ups (Pawanmuktasana series a, b and c) :-
  • 1 - Surya namaskara (sun Salutation) & Chandra Namaskara (moon salutation)
  • 2 - Yoga Mudrasana
  • 3 - Matsyasana
  • 4 - Gupta Padmasana
  • 5 - Baddha
  • 6 - Padmasana
  • 7 - Kukkutasana
  • 8 - Garbhasana
  • 9 - Backward bending Asanas
  • 10 - SaralBhujangasana (Easy cobra pose)
  • 11 - Bhujangasana (Cobra pose)
  • 12 - TiryakaBhujangasana (twisting cobra pose)
  • 13 - Sarpasana (snake pose)
  • 14 - ArdhaShalabhasana (half locust pose)
  • 15 - Shalabhasana (locust pose)
  • 16 - SaralDhanurasana (easy bow pose)
  • 17 - Kandharasana (shoulder pose)
  • 18 - Ardha Chandrasana (half moon pose)
  • 19 - Setu Asana (bridge pose)
  • 20 - Gomukhasana (cow’s face pose)
  • 21 - Forward bending Asanas
  • 25 - Paschimottanasana (back stretching pose)
  • 26 - GatyatmakPaschimottanasasna (dynamic back stretch pose)
  • 27 - PadaPrasarPaschimottanasana (legs spread back stretch pose)
  • 28 - JanuSirshasana (head to knee pose)
  • 29 - Ardha Padma paschimottanasana (half lotus back stretching pose)
  • 30 - Hasta PadaAngushthasana (finger to toe stretch)
  • 31 - Padahastasana (hand to foot pose)
  • 32 - SirshaAngusthaYogasana (head to toe pose)
  • 33 - Utthitajanusirshasana (standing head between knees pose)
Spinal twisting & Advanced Asanas :-
  • 1 - ArdhaMatsyendrasana (half spinal twist)
  • 2 - ParivrittiJanuSirsasana (spiralled head to knee pose)
  • 3 - Poornabhujangasana (full cobra pose)
  • 4 - Kurmasana (tortoise pose)
  • 5 - Poornashalabhasana (full locust pose)
  • 6 - PoornaDhanurasana (full bow pose)
  • 7 - Dhanu-rakarshan-asana (archer’s posed)
  • 8 - Chakrasana (wheel pose)
  • 9 - Hanumanasana (leg splitting pose)
  • 10 - Poornamatsyendrasana (full spinal twist pose)
  • 11 - Mayurasana (peacock pose)
  • 12 - Padma mayurasana (Lotus or bound peacock pose)
  • 13 - Gorakshasana (Yogi Gorakhnath’s pose)
  • 14 - Astavakrasana (eight-twists pose)
  • 15 - Vrischikasana (scorpion pose)
  • 16 - Inverted pose, balancing pose and core pose
During these classes, you will learn how a perfect posture should be. You will also learn how to connect with your future students through correct class verbal guidance and touch adjustment, and about recurrent yoga injuries and how to prevent them.

Teaching methodology is one the most important part of the course as our students will learn the following :-
  • 1 - How to conduct a class
  • 2 - Classroom management
  • 3 - How to get in and come out from the posture
  • 4 - How to assist & help while teaching the class
  • 5 - Which kind of words you should be using as a yoga teacher
  • 6 - What makes you different than other teachers in terms of teaching.
  • 7 - Which kind of asanas you should recommend with different health issue
  • 8 - How to use belts, bolster, bricks and chair during the class adjustment.
The history of yoga, the sutras of Patanjali and the importance of yoga and its origins in India, are the subjects of these classes and lectures. Questions will be adressed and you will deepen your knowledge about yoga :-
  • 1 - Complete Body Anatomy
  • 2 - Skeleton system
  • 3 - Muscular system
  • 4 - Circulatory system
  • 5 - Nervous system
  • 6 - Respiratory system
An intensive and integral part of yoga, Ashtanga yoga style requires deep commitment and self-practice to achieve the goal. The Pyramid’s yoga instructors are experienced teachers and advanced practitioners of the Ashtanga style and will guide you safely through the hardest postures. you’ll learn the complete Led primary series :
Standing poses :-
  • 1 - Hasta Padangusthasana & Pada Hastasana
  • 2 - Utthita Tri Konasana
  • 3 - Parivrtta Tri Konasana
  • 4 - Utthitan Parsva Konasana
  • 5 - Parivrtta Parsva Konasana
  • 6 - Prasarita Padottanasana A, B, C & D
  • 7 - Utthita Parsvottanasana
  • 8 - Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana
  • 9 - Utthita Parsvasahita
  • 10 - Utthita Eka Padasana
  • 11 - Ardhabaddha Padmottanasana
  • 12 - Utkastasana
  • 13 - Virabhadrasana A,B and C
  • 14 - Primary Asanas
  • 15 - Paschimottanasana A, B and C
  • 16 - Purvottanasana
  • 17 - ArdhaBaddha Padma Paschimottanasana
  • 18 - Tirieng Mukha Eka Pada Paschimottanasana
  • 19 - JanuSirsasana A,B and C
  • 20 - Marichyasana A,B and D
  • 21 - Navasana
  • 25 - Lolasana
  • 26 - BhujaPidasana
  • 27 - Kurmasana
  • 28 - Kukkutasana
  • 29 - BaddhaKonasana A & B
  • 30 - Konasana A & B
Intermediate Asanas :-
  • 1 - Salabhasana A & B
  • 2 - Dhanurasana
  • 3 - Ustrasana
  • 4 - Kapotasana A & B,
  • 5 - SuptaVajrasana
  • 6 - Bakasana
  • 7 - Bakasana B Jump
  • 8 - ArdhaMatsyendrasana
  • 9 - Tittibhasana
  • 10 - PichaMayurasana
  • 11 - Vatayanasana
  • 12 - Gomukhasana A & B
  • 13 - Hasta Sirsasana (head stand)
Advanced A (optional) :-

• Kasyapasana • Bhairavasana • UrdhvaKukkatasana A • Galavasana • EkaPadaViparitaDandasna • VipritaSalabhasana • GandhaBherundasana • Hanumanasana • Natrajasana • Raja Kapotasana

In the 100-hour multi-style program, the Anatomy module takes you deeper into how the human body works during yoga. You’ll learn about the biomechanics of poses and how to align your body properly to get the most benefits and avoid injuries. We also cover common injuries and ways to modify poses for safe practice. Additionally, you’ll discover how yoga can be used for healing and overall well-being. This advanced anatomy knowledge will help you approach your practice and teaching with a better understanding of your body. It’s an exciting opportunity to enhance your yoga journey and become a more mindful and informed practitioner :-
  • 1 - Advanced Understanding of Anatomy and Physiology
  • 2 - Biomechanics of Asanas
  • 3 - Common Injuries and Modifications
  • 4 - Yoga Therapy and Rehabilitation
This module focuses on improving your skills in assisting students during advanced yoga poses. It will help you understand how to align their bodies properly for safety and effectiveness and enhance your teaching abilities. Follow these simple steps to refine your adjustment and alignment skills :-
  • 1 - Understanding Advanced Asanas
  • 2 - Mastering Verbal Cues and Observations
  • 3 - Building Body-Mind Connection
  • 4 - Optimal Alignment for Effectiveness
  • 5 - Elevate Your Teaching
  • 6 - Cultivating Sensitivity and Awareness
In the 100-hour multi-style YTTC program, the Practicum module is a crucial step for students to become yoga teachers. They get to practice teaching yoga to their classmates under the guidance of an experienced teacher. This hands-on experience helps them refine their teaching style, find their own voice, and become more confident as yoga instructors. They receive feedback and support from their peers, which helps them improve their teaching abilities.

The Practicum module brings together everything they’ve learned, from alignment and adjustments to sequencing and philosophy, and allows them to apply it in their teaching. It’s a safe and nurturing environment that prepares them to start their teaching journey with skill and authenticity.
In the 100-hour multi-style YTTC program, the Meditation module is all about exploring different meditation practices. Students will learn techniques like mantra, trataka, and vipassana, experiencing their powerful effects firsthand. They’ll deepen their own meditation practice and also learn how to guide others in meditation. Integrating meditation into yoga classes will be taught, creating a complete and transformative experience for students. This module empowers students to embrace meditation’s essence, cultivating presence, stillness, and mindfulness. They’ll be ready to share the wonderful benefits of meditation with others and make a positive impact on their yoga journey.

What does and doesn't the course fee include?

14 Days - 13 Nights Accommodation

Study material


Cleansing Kits

fully Vegetarian meals

Weekend excursions

Free pick-up from Dehradun Airport

Fire Ceremony


Air fare

Additional meals

Additional stay

Outdoor Meals

Travel Insurance

Drop off from the School to Airport, Bus Station etc

Note: All classes are mandatory only in case of an emergency or illness one can take leave with respected teacher permission. Uninformed leaves won’t be accepted and this will leave bad impression on student monthly performance.

About 100 Hour

Frequently Asked Questions

People above 18 years of age can come for 100 Hours of yoga training and first consult with your doctor and then contact us by visiting the contact page of our Shree Maha Yoga website. 100 Hour Specially for Beginners People.
The 100 hour yoga teacher training at Shree Maha Yoga School in Rishikesh provides a comprehensive introduction to yoga. It covers Hatha and Vinyasa styles, pranayama, meditation, and yoga philosophy. Set in the spiritual heart of Rishikesh, the course offers immersive learning for beginners and those deepening their practice.
Hatha yoga (proper alignment, adjustment, and modification), Vinyasa flow, Patanjali Yoga Sutras and its history, anatomy, and physiology of yoga practice, meditation, pranayama (breathing techniques), karma yoga, and kriya (cleansing procedures) are all. Involved in 100 Hours of yoga teacher training Course in Shree Maha Yoga School.
No, 100 Hours of Yoga Teacher Training is not a Yoga Alliance USA certified course. This course certified by shree Maha Yoga School in Rishikesh.
The 100-hour yoga teacher training course provides a solid foundation in yoga practice, deepens personal knowledge, and enhances teaching skills. It improves physical and mental well-being, preparing participants to guide others while fostering personal growth and spiritual connection.
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